The Conservatives Strike Back

In the midst of a fraudulent election, divided nation, and throw in a global pandemic, there's nothing wrong with adding a 'Star Wars' take to liven up a story! That is exactly what Peter Burfeind did for his piece in 'The Federalist', when he compared President Trump losing this election, to Obi Wan Kenobi being struck down by Darth Vader! Burfeind, who is also a pastor in Michigan explained the analogy to KTRH. "That triggers the rise of the Jedi and the eventually the toppling of the Empire, and I think there is a similar thing going on with Trump. Trump has been kind of a representative of a lot of aspirations of a lot of people in America". Burfeind believes the election results, and the alleged fraud that enabled it will set off a 'red wave' in 2022 & 2024. And rather than being 'woke', conservatives are awake! "Trump has given us a contenance, we're done with the establishment". And like Trump, Burfeind believes that conservatives aren't going anywhere.

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