President Trump Considers Sweeping Executive Order on Immigration

President Donald Trump says he's considering making sweeping changes to our nation's immigration policy. But you won't hear about it in the mainstream media.

While many news outlets continue to flood their coverage this month with primarily COVID-19, the president is addressing other major issues, like a potential executive order on immigration. The president has long said he is willing to work with Congress on a legislative solution to DACA. One idea being considered is implementing a merit-based system, rather than a lottery. However, Democrats haven't been willing to come to the table. Orlando Salazar with the Republican National Hispanic Assembly says that's because talking about real solutions to our country’s immigration situation is not in line with the Democrats' political agenda ahead of the November election.

“I think they are playing their final hand. They’ve tried everything else, Russia hoax, all kinds of stuff on the president, and so for now they’re going to plan the race issue, I believe, until the election,” Salazar said.

Salazar adds Democrats don't want the president to succeed even if it's good policy.

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