Thin line exists between privacy and safety during pandemic

There's a thin line between your right to privacy and your right to safety when it comes to informing people about who is sick with COVID-19.

There are two major questions. Does your company have to tell you if someone in the office has the virus? KTRH legal analyst Chris Tritico says yes and no.

"From an HR standpoint, I think there's a greater duty to warn your own employees, but they also have to pay attention to HIPAA laws," Tritico said.

So they can only say 'someone' is sick. If you live in an apartment or condo, does your landlord or condo association have to tell you is a neighbor has the virus?

"If you're a resident in an apartment complex or a condo unit, I don't think the management necessarily has a duty to notify people," Tritico explained, adding that he doesn't know that the law would set up a standard putting the onus on a property owner to inform residents if a neighbor is sick.

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