Demand for Cleaning Over Coronavirus

As Coronavirus reaches pandemic proportions, some cleaning companies are reportedly seeing an uptick in business.

Lucy Lee, office manager for Cleaning for a Reason, a nationwide non-profit that provides cleaning services for cancer patients, says they aren’t seeing it. “We have not even had a single inquiry about Coronavirus from anyone, whether it be patient or main service,” she tells KTRH News. “Everything is business as usual, as far as we can tell.”

But Hunter Davis says he’s struggling to keep up. “I’ve been going crazy trying to answer everybody’s calls trying to answer everybody’s calls to prevent this Coronavirus thing from affecting people,” he says.Davis is an independent operator of a service out of Katy called Germbusters that lays down a protective shield on surfaces to kill microbes.“Without a doubt there’s been an uptick in business. People have never dealt with this before and they don’t know where to turn so they’re looking for answers.”

Kara and Tony Galante say their business, Steam Police, a carpet cleaning company, is seeing up to four times to normal number of calls they would expect for this time of year.

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