TSA Allows Thanksgiving Leftovers in Carry-On

Dining table filled with thanksgiving food

Today is expected to be the busiest travel day ever for the U.S. airline industry, and the Houston Airport System has been managing an anticipated 1.8 million travelers through Bush and Hobby Airports throughout the long holiday weekend.

There's a good chance some flights this weekend will smell like Thanksgiving all over again.

Millions of people headed home might not realize they can take leftovers with them.

The TSA allows food to be packed in carry-ons.

Turkey, stuffing, casseroles and veggies are all good.

But any liquid like gravy, cranberry sauce or canned vegetables should go in checked luggage.

No mashed potatoes either.

But pies and cakes are allowed.

The TSA has all the do's and don'ts on its website.

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