More than a third of us have had a package stolen in the past year

Today is Cyber Monday and with more Americans shopping online and having things delivered to their homes, it may be a sort of Super Bowl of theft for porch pirates. A recent report says 92% of us expect to have at least one package delivered this Christmas season.

Andy Harvey is interim police chief in Ennis, Texas and a security consultant.

"Neighbors can look out for each other and if you're not there we can grab those and we just have to be aware about the days we live in."

Harvey says it's a good idea to get a doorbell security device.

"People can share that video real time with their neighbors; they can share it with the police if they think that's a good idea -- which I think it is."

Harvey says you can tell retailers like Amazon when you'll be home to increase the chances a package won't be left on your doorstep. But when that's not possible, neighbors can help neighbors.

"All of our responsibility is to look out for each other, be aware of the opportunities that will be out there for these porch pirates and hopefully together we can minimize the theft that may occur during this holiday season."

42% of shoppers say they're comfortable having things worth less than $200 delivered to their homes.

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