Most of us will have hot dogs or hamburgers, or both, for Independence Day

With the Fourth just around the corner, 'tis the season for burgers. Texas is the only high population state on a list of the top states for per capita consumption of hamburgers and hot dogs -- at restaurants. It doesn't include grilling your own.

Eric Sandler with Houston's Culture Map says Texans eat more burgers than dogs.

"We're a beef-loving state; we eat a lot of barbecue, we eat a lot of Tex-Mex and we eat a lot of hamburgers."

Douglas McIntyre is the 24/7 Wall Street editor who compiled the list. He says it's partly about the heat.

"If you look at the top states on this list, they tend to have long summers and hot summers."

The list has Hawaii at the top and Texas 6th, but again, that's per capita. Texas leads the nation in overall beef consumption.

Sandler says Texas' ranking near the top is no surprise.

"We don't have that kind of sandwich culture in Texas like they do on the East Coast; we don't have those small Greek and Italian delis; we don't really do the fish taco thing like they do on the West Coast. When we want a quick, convenient meal I think a hamburger is a default for a lot of people."

Texans' spend at least $344 annually, per person, at hamburger and hot dog restaurants.

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