Top Texas Republican says all hands should be on deck for 2020

If Texas Republicans think 2020 is going to be easy, a leading Texas Republican says that won’t be the case.

Texas GOP Chairman James Dickey wants all hands on deck so to speak, and tells KTRH he's afraid of complacency.

“It’s far too easy to assume that things will take care of themselves, and that we don’t have to be all in on making sure that we defend our advantage,” Dickey explained.

Tara Pohlmeyer with Progress Texas says the Lone Star State is now a swing state.

“Texas is absolutely a battleground state for 2020, and we’re really excited to see the increase in support,” she said.

Dickey says he wants non-Texans to help out Texas Republicans, too.

“Texas Republicans are generous people, and have a long, long history of helping Republicans in other states and at the national level,” Dickey stated, adding that President Trump can't win re-election without winning Texas.

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