Parents want to wean their adult children off their payroll

Parents raise their kids, hoping they'll be successful...or at least just leave the nest.

But, some children are part of the Boomerang generation where you throw them out and they come right back.

KKOS partner CPA and attorney Mark J. Kohler said with their kids, they drew up a written document to help them become independent.

"Whether it's cell phones, dining, gas for your car, health insurance, auto insurance, and we slowly phase our kids off through an independence plan, that's in writing, so everybody knows what to expect," said Kohler.

He said parents don’t need to become despondent thinking that children had to be taught financial independence when they were young and in high school.

"Hold it. You can do it at any time. I call this a financial intervention. Sit down with your kids in a positive atmosphere and say we want to help you. I don't care if your kid's 25, 30, 35 or 40," said Kohler.

He said parents need to be more proactive and have a multi-year plan to teach financial literacy...with benchmarks and consequences to hold adult children accountable or cut them off.

However, if you want them to succeed, don't cut them off cold turkey.

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