State Board to Discuss Confederate Plaque at Texas Capitol

A state preservation board will meet later this week to discuss whether to remove a controversial plaque from the Texas Capitol grounds.

Friday's meeting comes after several high ranking public officials called the"Children of the Confederacy Creed" inaccurate for denying slavery was a root cause of the Civil War.

My first thought is where does the madness end?  My second thought would be under what authority?  And who decides whether it's accurate or inaccurate,” says Frank Johnson with the Montgomery County Historical Commission.

Gov.Abbott, Lt. Gov. Patrick and new House Speaker Dennis Bonnen all sit on the governor's preservation board.

Johnson says there have been several attempts by lawmakers in recent years to censor Texas history.

Every historical marker in the state would be subject to just anybody's review and taken down without any authority really.”

He says the state of Tennessee forbids removal of any marker honoring veterans, but some have found loopholes to remove them anyway.

There was a big fight over a Nathan Bedford Forest statue, they bypassed the law by donating the property to a private organization, then the private organization was able to do it.”

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