Facebook: We will fact check videos and pictures

Facebook to fact-check your content

We all know how social media can deliver and spread fake news. A social media giant claims they have a plan to try and stop it.

Facebook now says they will fact check videos and pictures that are posted on the site. Travis County Republican Party Chairman Matt Mackowiak tells KTRH this is, well, interesting when you consider this might be the fox guarding the hen house.

“I don’t know how you fact check a photo. I don’t know how you fact check a video,” Mackowiak explained. “These platforms are under tremendous pressure from Congress.”

Mackowiak says he's also not so sure Facebook won't keep doing what they've been doing all along when it’s all said and done; showing bias against conservatives.

“These platforms never seems to show bias against the left. It’s always against the right; shutting down accounts on the right and shadow banning,” Mackowiak stated, adding that if what Facebook does isn't what Congress wants, you could see regulation come to social media.

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