Coming soon to an ATM near You: banking without a Card

Bank of America ATM

Chase is testing cardless account access with your smart phone. If you're a Chase bank customer you can access your money with your phone at 16,000 ATMs nationwide.

"We're gonna see more technological steps to increase access to data and I think things like facial recognition are in the works for ATMs."

John Heasley with the Texas Bankers Association says Chase is a big player and if the testing goes well, other banks will follow. He says there's more security this way and it'll save banks the cost of printing so many ATM cards.

Far from being a security risk, Heasley says cardless ATMs should be even more secure than using a card. It could put a stop to card skimmers installed at ATMs and at gas pumps.

"I think this adds another layer of security; you have a code to access your phone, you have the ability to let that interface with the machine for a particular bank."

The iPhone 6 and later -- and any smart phone with an NFC chip -- will work with cardless ATMs.

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