Hunger in Houston

Many Houstonians have had some bad months lately. Houston Food Bank's Amy Ragan says many people responded to help their neighbors. 

“The people here have been so generous to the Food Bank during Hurricane Harvey Relief and our Souper Bowl of Caring fundraiser.”

She continues to say that it’s easy for anyone to slip into hard times and the Food Bank is here to help. “People who are struggling anyway can have a small crisis like the car needs to be fixed and their utility bills have gone up. They need some assistance putting food on the table so they can pay the rent.”

The spotlight has faded on helping Harvey victims but Houston is still no stranger to hungry people.  It hits the homeless especially badlly.  Scott Arthur of Star of Hope Mission says, “We serve 17,000 meals a week to homeless children, women and children. Hunger is not seasonal.”

Amy says that for a dollar The Houston Food Bank can feed one person three meals.  Every dollar counts!

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