POLL: Cost of Harvey Continues to Mount

Still no word how the state of Texas will pay for its share of recovery costs from Hurricane Harvey which some estimate could top $200 billion.

The federal government has pledged 90 percent support, leaving the remaining 10 percent to the state and local governments.

Gov. Greg Abbott says no special session is needed, leading some to believe he could tap into the state's $10 billion rainy day fund to help school districts get back on track.

"We will probably have to use some of the rainy day fund, but it may not be a massive amount of it," says Sen. Paul Bettencourt, R-Houston.  "We'll just have to wait to see what the numbers tell us and how bad the damage is."

Sen. Bettencourt says some estimates say Harvey could cost more than Katrina and Sandy combined.  But he insists the state has money if needed.

"In the state budget, there's up to about a billion dollars that can be moved by the legislative budget board, but after that point in time, I think we'd be better of being in either regular session to debate it, or special session if necessary."

Bettencourt credits the federal government for taking on a lion's share of recovery costs.

"It's going to take months to actually have those numbers roll up to a total to see what really the impact on state and local government will be, but the good news is that the federal government is burdening themselves with a 90 percent share."

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