Looking for a Used Car? You're in Luck

This might be a great time to buy a used car. There's a glut of off-lease used cars flooding the market.

Ray Huffines owns and operates multiple dealerships in Texas.

"With cars coming off lease and the supply goes up the prices are gonna come down on the used cars."

Huffines says there's no worry about buying these cars, either. He says they're not treated like rentals.

"We inspect them and they're in good shape and if it is a manufacturer certified pre-owned it carries a very, very strong warranty."

Huffines says leases have been very attractive in recent years.

"It varies by manufacturer and how many vehicles they put out on lease and the reason they had more is because they put incentives on the lease that made it very attractive and people leased instead of buying."

Americans are still buying lots of cars, but sales of new cars have leveled off.

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