2016 was a Banner Year for Plastic Surgeons

Maybe it's because of advances in surgical technology; maybe it's because the recovery time is short and maybe it's just the selfie generation -- whatever the reason, Americans are spending more on plastic surgery now than ever before.

Houston surgeon Dr. Paul Vitenas says kids don't consider it a big deal at all.

"In the younger generations it's not 'would I have plastic surgery' it's only when am I going to have plastic surgery."

Kelsey-Seybold's Dr. Yoav Kaufman says almost all surgery now is outpatient.

"You're back to near normal activity the following day."

Dr. Vitenas says boob jobs, nose jobs and lipo are the most popular -- but butt augmentation is trendy.

"Doing fat grafting to the buttocks is really a very reliable procedure and produces beautiful results."

Americans spent more than $16 billion on plastic surgeries in 2016.

"People can come, have surgery in the morning and go home; for instance a breast augmentation they have on a Friday they're back at work on Monday; liposuction cases, two or three days and they're back at work."

Dr. Vitenas says he's performing a lot of butt augmentations -- for both men and women.

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