Concessions Made on Anti-Sanctuary City Legislation

Both houses of the Texas Legislature are working to outlaw sanctuary cities.

One big change so far in the House version of the bill -- you could check the status of undocumented immigrants only if they've been arrested. In the Senate version, it's if someone is simply detained. In the latter case, that could mean a law enforcement officer could question a person’s status during even routine traffic stops.

Passage is considered likely before the Legislature adjourns in May, but concessions have already been part of the process.

Immigration expert Jessica Vaughan of the Center for Immigration Studies says that even with the changes, the legislative efforts are valid for sake of public safety.

Vaughan adds that a uniform statewide law would prevent houston and other jurisdictions from setting their own rules ... or even changing them with each new administration.

Houston doesn't claim sanctuary city status, but critics say its policies reflect such thinking ... and it's one of the chief targets of the legislation.

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