Kenny Webster's Pursuit of Happiness

Kenny Webster's Pursuit of Happiness

Ken Webster is a talk radio personality and producer from Houston, TX. He started his career in Chicago on the Mancow show and has since worked at...Full Bio


Los Angeles Closes Gun Stores & Empties the Jails: What Could Go Wrong?

No legal gun owners + thousands of recently released criminals = ????

The Sheriff of Los Angeles County (in Commie-fornia) has done to very suspicious things at the same time: he ordered all legal gun stores to close and he's flooding the streets with potentially dangerous criminals.

Marissa Wenzke reports:

At least 1,700 jail inmates have been released from custody in Los Angeles County over fears of the spreading coronavirus, Sheriff Alex Villanueva said Tuesday.
The sheriff confirmed 1,700 inmates were released by late Monday. He said 30% of the roughly 15,000 inmates in the county are considered homeless, another population health authorities have described as vulnerable to contracting and transmitting the virus.
Last Thursday, the Los Angeles Times reported about 6% of the jail population had already been freed over a 3-week period.

Adding to the insanity of this news, the Sheriff also ordered all the gun stores to close so law-abiding citizens can't defend themselves from the potential crime wave that's headed their way.

Bill Melugin reports:

Los Angeles County Sheriff Alex Villanueva declared gun stores as nonessential businesses that will be forced to close.

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