The little ole brewery in Shiner, Texas has made a national name for itself and aren't we Texas proud about that! Not to mention the convenience of ordering a Shiner when traveling in other states.
But... Shiner going East Coast on us? Introducing one of those hazy IPA’s currently sweeping the millennial world. They call it the Wicked Juicy or the Wicked Hazy, I’m not sure which….but it’s fruity, very New England-y.
Figure there’s nothing too wrong with increasing your business. The Spoetzl brewery has, in a sense, been a craft brewery for a long time. Think Oktoberfest, Ruby Red, etc. So this is maybe crafty as much as craft. But please tell me they won’t lose their grip on Boch or Blonde or Premium. It’s not so much that Texans don’t like change as we hold a credo of…”dance with the one who “brung” ya.”