Have you ever had the perfect day? Can you even define it? Well, of course, there was a survey to do just that. It basically involved socializing and amusing yourself all day in perfect weather. Sunny, 71 certainly sounds pretty good to Texans right now.
But as we struggle with our triple digit temps, here are some mood boosters to think about.
Finding money in your pocket. Being able to sleep in. Lying in bed listening to rain fall outside. Those were the top responses in the survey. Petting a dog, exercising and eating healthy were also high on the list. But figure this, the top mood lifting foods were ice cream, bacon and coffee.
But before I put that down….I’m one of those who can identify with the 37 percent who cited listening to their favorite album (in my case playlist) and the 23 percent who responded that their boost is realizing you’re going to have a good hair day. Now that’s perfect.