Since he’s such a Cleveland Indians fan, we’ll call him the Jose Ramirez of Houston’s Morning News. Bob Frantz was introduced to us as Matt Patrick’s friend, the guy to step in when Matt took time off.
He always did so, on top of his own radio duties on stations in Ohio and the Midwest. Utility players on any team aren’t always as lauded as they should be, but the team knows. And we do know Bob Frantz ably filled the host microphone, even as he mourned with us the passing of our friend and colleague. We’ve had some dark eventful days on air, but lightened by the ability of Bob Frantz.
You may not realize we’ve never met face-to-face. Hope we will one day. But we all know the voice and the thoughts and the thoughtfulness of a man who always answers when we call. Many thanks to you, Bob Frantz. You are our special honorary Texan now.