Michael Berry

Michael Berry

Michael Berry has drunk homemade moonshine from North Carolina with Robert Earl Keen, met two presidents with the same last name, been cussed at by...Full Bio


California Elementary Principal Calls Cops On Unmasked 4-Year-Old Student

For all we now know about COVID, some public schools in California are still requiring face diapers on kids and calls police on them for non-compliance with their ridiculous policy.

Earlier this month, a 4-year-old boy showed up for class at Theuerkauf Elementary School in Mountain View, California without a mask on.

The principal called the police because she said it in violation of the Mountain View Whisman School District's policy.

There is no statewide mandate in place, though many area school districts have implemented their own silly policies.

The boy’s father had anticipated that his family's decision not to mask would be a problem and contacted school officials in advance of the fall term starting.

The boy’s father recorded the entire incident including the principal telling him “ “I'm going to have to have him removed from campus if you don't leave at this time".

Superintendent Ayindé Rudolph blasted the father saying he “worked with an advocacy group outside Mountain View to create a professional video in order to nationally shame a public servant doing her job while maintaining a safe and orderly school." 

How exactly is forcing a mask on a 4-year-old creating a “safe & orderly” school.  

After the incident went viral, the school rescinded their mask policy.

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