This is Harris County Criminal Court Judge Franklin Bynum in his woke “Defund the Police” shirt.
Bynum is an avowed socialist who favors criminals over the police.
His antics in the courtroom are pretty much what you would expect out of a socialist who hates the police.
The State Commission on Judicial Conduct is now recommending that Bynum be suspended for showing bias against prosecutors in criminal proceedings.
The Harris County District Attorney’s Office says he routinely favors criminals and thus has not shown judicial impartiality.
Ray Hunt with the Houston Police Officers’ Union tells KPRC-TV, “he’s an admitted socialist, he’s anti-police, he’s anti-government, he’s anti-victim and he’s definitely pro-suspect.”
In 2019, Bynum told liberal rag The Nation that he hoped “to contribute to the ‘demolition’ of the criminal justice system as it currently exists.”
The Houston Chronicle reports:
"Bynum faces three charges: bias against the state, failure to comply with the law and reasonable doubt regarding judicial impartiality. The charges focus on his alleged treatment of prosecutors and “failures to maintain professional competence with respect to those laws in a manner consistently favoring defendants and defense attorneys,” the eight-page notice reads…
Bynum was elected as a misdemeanor court judge in 2018 as part of a Democratic sweep. He ran on a platform of ending the cash bail system. After his election to the bench, Bynum became a defendant in the federal case and helped to settle Harris County's historic misdemeanor bail reform suit that ordered an end to some poor defendants being jailed on low-level charges. Bynum lost to Harris County prosecutor Erika Ramirez earlier this year for the party's nomination."