Michael Berry

Michael Berry

Michael Berry has drunk homemade moonshine from North Carolina with Robert Earl Keen, met two presidents with the same last name, been cussed at by...Full Bio


Accused Murderer Freed Again By Harris Co. Judge After Bond Violation

Frank DeLeon Jr. who accused for murdering his ex-girlfriend, Diamond Alvarez, by putting 22 bullets in her has been freed again by a Harris County judge.

DeLeon was picked up on bond violations on Monday.

Authorities said GPS records on his ankle monitor showed he violated bond conditions by leaving home without permission.

A judge had initially denied him bond after he was arrested a second time but later set his bond at $250,000. 

He posted bond and was released from custody yesterday.


“KPRC 2 reached out to Mario Garza, president of Harris County Professional Bonding Association, who explained that when a reinstatement occurs, it simply means the judge placed the original back into effect. No new money is paid.
When a bond is revoked, as Deleon’s was, the judge can choose to:
-Set a new bail (defendant has to pay again for a new bond)
-No bail
-Raise the bond amount (defendant has to pay for a new bond)
-Re-instate the bond (defendant pays no money and released on the original $250,000 bond posted by the original bonding company)
-Before bail reform, the District Attorney used to submit a motion to reinstate, which needed be signed by the bondsman, DA and judge. The bondsman had to agree with it in order for it to be reinstated. Now, they don’t do that anymore.”

The family of Diamonds Alvarez are rightly outraged that DeLeon is being freed yet again.

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