Several of these Democrat cities pandered to BLM by not only vilifying the cops, but also defunding them.
The end result was so predictable.
Burlington, Vermont “defunded the police”, eliminating around 30 positions, a 30% cut. Today only around 60 officers are able to respond to calls, that’s around 20 short of what independent studies show this town needs.
Crime has risen resulting in city council to add $800,000 to the police budget.
KOAA-TV in Colorado Springs reports:
“this shift is happening around the United States. New York City voted to cut funding in 2020. Two years later, it has increased following a spike in violent crime.
In Minneapolis, there were initial cuts as well, now more funding. In Baltimore, a similar story is emerging.
One sign of how much has changed in progressive politics in recent years, President Joe Biden increased police funding this week by $30 billion in his budget proposal to Congress and highlighted in his State of the Union the need to fight crime.”
This is why the left has moved to now only refunding the police, but they are trying to pretend that they are all about "law & order".
They know that the 2022 midterms will be a bloodbath for them, so they are doing all they can to trick low information voters into believing that they are not the party of BLM, Antifa & George Soros' vision where the criminals are the actual victims.