Michael Berry

Michael Berry

Michael Berry has drunk homemade moonshine from North Carolina with Robert Earl Keen, met two presidents with the same last name, been cussed at by...Full Bio


Houston Man Freed On Bond For TWO Separate Capital Murder Charges

While free on bond for aggravated robbery with a deadly weapon, Devan Jordon, 21, is arrested and charged with capital murder in Harris County. His bond was set at $500,000 which at a maximum he had to come up with $50,000 (but likely less).

He makes that bond. Then he’s arrested and charged with another capital murder out of Galveston County and his bond is set at $1 million which he just came up with and has now been released.

Yesterday, the families of the two murder victims held a press conference with Houston Crime Stopppers to express their outrage over Jordon being released once again.

 Crime Stoppers Director of Victim Services Andy Kahan says:

“in all my years of being involved with the criminal justice system, I have never seen a defendant charged with multiple capital murder cases in different counties actually allowed to bond out. Considering that the defendant has a prior criminal history and has repeatedly violated his bond conditions, this defies logic. 
Needless to say, the victim’s family is beyond irate and frustrated. The public needs to be warned that this defendant is back out in the community and based on his track record, someone will more than likely pay the price.”

Kahan was joined at the press conference with the family of Joshua Sandoval who prosecutors say was murdered by Jordon.

Kahan was joined at the press conference with the family of Joshua Sandoval who prosecutors say was murdered by Jordon.

Omar Sandoval, the younger brother of Joshua said:

"To know that our criminal justice system, especially here in Texas, is allowing for these repeat violent, extremely violent, offenders to continue to be released and to continue to prey on everyday citizens that have nothing to do with them, it's mind-boggling.
And it's very unsettling that anybody would allow this to continue to happen - to allow people back on the street who have not once murdered, but twice that we know of…to be free to roam." 


Do you know what happened on May 27, 2021? That’s the day that Joshua Sandoval was murdered,” Kahan said. “The same day he was told to report to court, even though he hasn’t done one condition. He hadn’t even shown up.”
Kahan then went back and broke down the timeline of county records.
In Fort Bend County, Jordon’s bond was revoked in June 2021.
In November 2021, Jordon bonded out for capital murder in the Sandoval case after posting the half-million dollar bond.
“His bond got reinstated in Fort Bend County the same day he posted bond in Harris County,” Kahan explained. “I’m sorry, if you are on bond for aggravated robbery with a deadly weapon, you’re charged with two felony evading arrests and a capital murder. If that’s not enough, I don’t know what is.”
The following month, in December 2021, Jordon was charged with capital murder in the death of Johnson, who police say Jordon followed to his League City home after having dinner at the Capital Grille near the Galleria area.
Bond in that case was set at $1,000,000.
“We already knew that Devan Jordon posted a $500,000 bond in November, so it was not out of the realm of possibility that he might actually be able to post the bond,” Khan said. “Yeah, it’s kind of unthinkable to the average citizen, but in this day and age, it’s happening more and more.”
Kahan said this was a no-brainer, no bond should have been given.
“When you look at his history that has been ongoing in multiple counties since 2019, I don’t know how you can’t come to the conclusion that he is not a walking, ticking time bomb that’s a threat to everybody within a multi-county jurisdiction,” he said.
Kahan said Jordon has also been implicated in the Galleria organized crime theft ring, and he needs everyone to know that, with Jordan on the streets again, what happened to the Sandoval and Johnson families can happen to anyone.
“There is no way anyone in the public is safe while he is out here,” he said. “What in your right mind, do you really believe that someone is going to show up in court in Harris County and in Galveston County to face a capital murder charge with the potential of actually getting the death penalty or life without parole? Come on.”

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