Michael Berry

Michael Berry

Michael Berry has drunk homemade moonshine from North Carolina with Robert Earl Keen, met two presidents with the same last name, been cussed at by...Full Bio


Biden & DHS To Build Fence – Around His Delaware Beach House

Remember according to the libs, fences and wall don’t work and are also racist.

However, if it’s taxpayer funded and used on themselves than the liberals tell us that it’s a far different story.

Biden is getting a fence built around his Delaware beach house with taxpayers footing the bill.

The fence will cost $455,000! You read that right, $455,000 for a fence.

The Department of Homeland Security awarded the contract in last month to Rehoboth's Turnstone Builders, a Delaware construction company.

The Cape Gazette in Delaware reports:

“According to the website USAspending.gov, an online database of federal government spending, the Department of Homeland Security, with the Secret Service as the subagency, recently awarded a $455,000 contract to Rehoboth’s Turnstone Builders for “purchase and installation of security fencing at 32 Fairview, Rehoboth Delaware.”
As of Oct. 20, construction on the wall had not started, but according to the website, it is expected to be completed by the end of the year.
Biden purchased the North Shores home in summer 2017. County tax records show he paid $2.7 million for the property.”

Just remember that Biden stopped construction on the border wall at the southern border, allowing more than a million illegal immigrants to enter the US in 2021.

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