Michael Berry

Michael Berry

Michael Berry has drunk homemade moonshine from North Carolina with Robert Earl Keen, met two presidents with the same last name, been cussed at by...Full Bio


PA Dem Pushes Bill To Allow Kids To Get COVID Vaccine With Parental Consent

The left believes that they always know better than the parents, so take the parenting decision out of their hands.

Pennsylvania Democrat state Senator Amanda Cappelletti is talking about pushing a bill that would allow kids as young as 14 to receive the COVID vaccine without parental permission.

Cappelletti tells KDKA-TV that “we underestimate the maturity and intelligence of young people.”

So lawmakers like Cappelletti have decided that 18-year-olds are NOT mature enough to decide whether or not they can drink alcohol, smoke cigarettes or even become strippers, but a 14-year-old is apparently mature enough to decide on the COVID vaccine.

KDKA-TV reports:

“Paulo Nzambi, the CEO of Imani Christian Academy, said, “I’d be reluctant. And I don’t know if the public would be ready to receive an opportunity where really people critical to the development of a child are left out of that decision-making process.”

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