With big government, swamp Republicans are acting like Democrats pushing new tax & spend plans.
Texas Senator John Cornyn floats a new 25-cent per mile tax on truckers to finance even more highway boondoggle projects.
So much conservatism here.
Sen. Cornyn has proposed to the Senate Finance Committee a 25 cent per mile tax on heavy trucks that would not only include semis, but also moving trucks, cement mixers & dump trucks.
Cornyn says “we’ve got to come up with some money from somewhere.”
He believe his plan would bring in $33 billion a year.
And trucking companies are justifiably pissed.
Jonathan Kennemer, president and CEO of CKJ Transport tells the Dallas Morning News, “that number is absolutely huge….I would be forced to sell, or close the doors, no question.”
He says they have 350 rigs serving the oil patch and delivering stone, sand, gravel and other building materials around the state. "Each puts on 110,000 to 125,000 miles a year. So he says at 25 cents a mile, that’s $30,000 per truck – $10 million a year…that just scares the hell out of me. I don’t have a $10 million margin. I’m concerned to hear a proposal like that come from my home state Republican senator, I can tell you that.”
The American Trucking Association’s (ATA) executive vice president Bill Sullivan warns that Cornyn’s new taxp would “put lots of small businesses out of business.”
The ATA added on twitter, “We don’t understand why he wants to tax the hardest working, most patriotic people in America.”