Michael Berry

Michael Berry

Michael Berry has drunk homemade moonshine from North Carolina with Robert Earl Keen, met two presidents with the same last name, been cussed at by...Full Bio


Tucker Carlson Details The Gun Grabbing History Of Biden’s ATF Nominee

Biden nominates anti-gun nut/conspiracy theorist David Chipman to lead the ATF.

Tucker Carlson detailed Chipman’s unhinged history last night:

"So who is this David Chipman? He’s a conspiracy nut, for one thing.
In a recent Internet post, he claimed that the Branch Davidians shot down helicopters during the Waco siege in 1993. They didn’t. No one aboard a federal helicopter was shot or injured that day. The helicopters also didn’t crash. That’s a bizarre claim coming someone who was directly involved in the case, as Chipman was. But it’s worse than that. In the spring of 1993, the ATF killed dozens of innocent children and at least one pregnant woman for no obvious reason. It’s one of the worst things federal agents have done in this country.
If you’re taking over the ATF, maybe you could apologize for that. But no. David Chipman lied about it, and attacked the dead. It was like blaming the Japanese for their own internment, or attacking the victims of the Tuskegee Experiment for getting syphilis. Not evidence of a generous spirit, evidence of a zeal. This is the man Joe Biden just nominated to lead the ATF.
But it gets worse. In a Reddit post, David Chipman suggested that people who fail background checks should be arrested on the spot.
While at ATF, I conducted studies involving people who failed background checks to determine how many later committed crimes with a gun—many did," he wrote. "This is a perfect opportunity to arrest people before committing crimes rather than responding after the fact."
"Arrest people before committing crimes." That’s a new concept in American law, though the Chinese are highly familiar with it.
However, it does raise a point of pressing interest to the Biden family. Joe Biden just appointed a guy who thinks people who lie on federal firearms background checks should go to prison. Do you know any people like that? Hunter Biden purchased a handgun illegally. He lied on a federal background check. (That's not speculation. He did. We've seen the form.) So the question is, will David Chipman arrest the president's son? And if he doesn't arrest the president's son, the question is: How exactly are you obligated to follow these rules?
That's a serious question. Can you live in a country where the rules don't apply to the president's son, but you could go to jail for violating them? How can you participate in a system like that?
We should note that David Chipman has said a lot of other things on the internet that he doesn't want you to see. He's locked his Twitter account so no one can read what he's written. But the Daily Wire found an archived version of David Chipman's Twitter page, and compared it to his current page. They found he's deleted at least 1,000 tweets in recent days.
We can only speculate what David Chipman said in those posts. But we do know that what he's said publicly tells us all we need to know about why Joe Biden selected him. In October 2018, for example, David Chipman told The Hill that AR-15's should be treated "just like machine guns" -- meaning banned. Chipman made that remark in his capacity as a policy adviser for an anti-gun group. In 2012, he suggested on MSNBC that the Secret Service shouldn't carry firearms. And last year, David Chipman openly mocked the millions of Americans who are buying guns to protect their families from the crime wave Chipman’s party started:
CHIPMAN: They might think that they’re Die Hard, ready to go, but unfortunately they’re more like Tiger King and they’re putting themselves and their family in danger, and so what I would suggest is to those first-time gun owners – I would secure that gun locked and unloaded and hide it behind the cans of tuna and beef jerky stored in a cabinet and only bring that out if the zombies start to appear and I don’t think they are.
It's hard to imagine a flippant or more infuriating remark. If you bought a gun to protect your family, your business or your home during the riots that these people unleashed on the country, the conspiracy nut running the ATF calls you crazy. That's why, if you made the mistake of buying a handgun with a magazine that holds more than 10 rounds -- in other words, if you bought a Glock 19 or any of the most popular handguns sold in America -- you'll be obligated to surrender it to that guy.
WILLIAM BRANGHAM, PBS HOST, 2019: And high-capacity means — what kind of numbers are we talking about?
CHIPMAN: Yes. I think the consensus has been around 10. And there are a number of reasons why. 
BRANGHAM: So, 10 and above would be high? 
CHIPMAN: Yes. Well, I think -- let's say 10 and below are OK or reasonable. Above would be regulated.
So this raises a lot of questions: Why is David Chipman allowed to decide how many rounds you're allowed in your magazine? What does he know about that? Is he in charge of protecting your family? Does he live in your neighborhood? Are your children his responsibility? It's outrageous. But worse than that is, it's theater. It's not real. People like David Chipman aren't opposed to gun violence. In fact, people like David Chipman, his party, certainly are making gun violence possible in this country."

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