Speaking to frequent Rush fill-in host Mark Steyn on Fox, Mister Snerdley discussed the outrage the left is pushing over the Georgia voter integrity law.
“How long have Democrats and liberals been talking about I.D. as a problem for Black people? It's been over a decade. So please, every African American in America ask yourself one question: How is it that the Democratic Party can make sure that illegal immigrants to America can get I.D. -- so they can have legal drivers licenses, but you can't have a legal I.D. so you can partake in American society fully?
Ask yourself another question, why is it that Democrats insist that we have these long lines and Republicans, 'evil that they are', won't let us have water, which is a lie, by the way?When you look in the [Georgia] bill, what it says is there can be self-serving water stations or beverage stations throughout -- What they don't want is electioneering -- people coming up to you and asking you for a vote in exchange for a drink of water because Democrats left you in three-hour long lines in your neighborhood.
So all African-Americans ask yourselves one question. Why is it that Black neighborhoods that Democrats run have long lines that require you to stand in line for hours and hours and hours when white folks and other people in Americans don't have the long lines? Republicans are not running those districts. Who runs your town? It's not the evil Republicans. It's your friends, the Democrats..."