The man arrested on Thursday in connection to a triple-homicide has a length criminal history that includes six past felony convictions with his latest being one was possession of a firearm by a convicted felon.
Apparently because Kim Ogg and the Harris County DA’s office has an affinity for these violent criminals, Joshua Kelsey was given a “sweetheart deal”.
Joe Gamaldi, president of the Houston Police Officer’s Union, said Kelsey was only out of jail, due to a plea deal offered by the DA’s office.
“He was out free when he shouldn’t have been,” Gamaldi said. “And now, three people are dead, dead!”
According to Gamaldi, Kelsey has six past felony convictions. His latest conviction was possession of a firearm by a convicted felon.
“With the enhancements that were already in place, he should have been looking at 2 to 20 years,” Gamaldi said. “Instead, he got six months and he actually got time served for about 140 of those days, so he only did 40 days of jail.”
KPRC 2 reached out to the DA’s office to find out why the habitual offender was offered a plea deal. According to Teare, the office stands by the decision.
“We’re dealing with limited resources for the judges, limited resources for the courtrooms, limited resources at the DA’s office,” Teare said. “We don’t have crystal balls. There’s no way that anyone would envision that someone who doesn’t typically have a violent past is going to commit this horrific murder spree.”
HPOU tweeted in response to Teare’s “crystal ball” comments: "It doesn't take a crystal ball to see 7+ felony convictions. Had Kim Ogg's office sent him to prison for 2-20 years, he wouldn't be on bond for possession of a firearm as a felon in Ft Bend County (March 2020) or pending three more murder charges.”
HPD Chief Art Acevedo also weighed in, writing “Our criminal justice system is failing to hold felons accountable resulting in increased violence and death. Speak up Texas!”
HPOU’s Joe Gamaldi adds, “DAs office needs to answer to the victims, their families and the community why did they agree to a sweetheart deal for Joshua Kelsey? Why did the DAs office offer 6 months when he should have been looking at 2-20 years? Why did they abandon the enhancement and lower the charge?”