Houston's Morning News with Jimmy Barrett

Houston's Morning News with Jimmy Barrett

Houston's Morning News From News Radio KTRH with Jimmy Barrett and Shara Fryer covering your Local News, Weather and Traffic.


POLL QUESTION: Will Turner's gun buyback work?

Even though his claims that crime is on the decline here in Houston are blatantly false, Mayor Sylvester Turner is getting ready to hold another gun buyback event on Saturday.

"It's not going to bring down crime" said Doug Griffith, president of the Houston Police Officers Union, "As much as we would love to say it does, it doesn't. There's no studies to prove that, and we just believe that money can probably be spent better elsewhere."

After 2 years of following the Democrat playbook of 'defunding' the police, the officer shortage in Houston is almost at a crisis level, so more 'funding' would be a huge help.

As for buying back guns, the reality is, most violent criminals -keep- their weapons.

"We don't have gang-bangers and drug dealers turning in their guns, criminals are going to hang on to their weapons, they're not going to turn them in" Griffith told KTRH, "I know the DA's office has a real issue with this program as well, because there's no questions asked. You have to register to purchase a gun, but you don't have to register to sell one."

Which means if there is a gun that was used in one of the many violent crimes that have happened in Harris County, once it's turned in, there is no tracing it back.

"It's a feel good program for the city, it's a feel good program for the mayor" noted Griffith, "But it doesn't affect our day to day operations whatsoever."

The gun buyback event will be held on Saturday, from 8:00am to 12:00pm at the METRO Park & Ride at 11050 Harwin Drive.

That leads us to the poll question.

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