Houston's Morning News

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POLL QUESTION: Hillary and 2024

With Joe Biden's approval at an all-time low, and sinking even lower, the Hillary Clinton whispers are getting louder. Will she? Or won't she? Run for president again in 2024?

"She's made comments saying she's not going to run, she's made comments saying I can't possibly imagine how I would run" said political analyst Chris Begala, "But that's the number one thing she thinks about when she wakes up, and it's the last thing she thinks about when she goes to sleep. She wants to run for president."

But she hasn't said absolutely not, and Begala says she can't come out and say that she wants to run. Either way, it's not a good look for the Democrats, or their bench.

"You're going to have Bernie Sanders of course make a run, and you're going to have Hillary Clinton position herself" Begala told KTRH, "Other than that, you've got a few people here or there. Right now, the Democratic bench, and the Democratic potential field for a 2024 presidential run, is weak and thin."

Even so, Begala believes the Democrats are planning a major shake-up, after they recover from the Republican red wave in November.

"You'll have a new president and a new vice president, sometime in January of February of 2023" noted Begala, "That will be the clean slate for Democrats to say every single thing that is wrong, you don't like inflation? high gas prices? no problem, we've got a new president, and a new vice president. That's what I think is going to happen."

That leads us to the poll question.

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