Talk of gun control on Capitol Hill is driving a surge in sales across the country.
Aubrey Sanders Jr. owns and operates "The Real Texas Gun Show." He reports a 60-70 percent increase in sales in recent weeks, and expects more this weekend east of Austin.
"I've got a little over 150 tables, and there's not a single open one in there," he says. "They can restrict gun sales and so forth, but there are so many out there, they'll never get rid of them."
"Right now, they're going out on the door almost as fast as they can bring them in."
The problem with new gun restrictions, he says, is it creates a dangerous black market.
"Out of the trunks of cars of thieves. They've been stolen or whatever."
Sanders says everything from AR-15-style rifles to 9 mm semi-automatics are flying off the shelves, with many buyers citing the ongoing surge of crime, to increased anxiety over inflation and everyday life.