At the Loudoun County Virginia School Board meeting Tuesday, several students presented board members with baskets of documents that claimed the board failed to respond to a Feb. 2 notice of “maladministration" and demanded officials "cease and desist enforcing ... unconstitutional mandates on students.”
In a video posted on social media, a member of the group said the School Board was "being served."
On Feb. 2, a group of parents presented the board with an affidavit asking it to indicate in the U.S. Constitution where the body had the legal authority to “trample on people’s rights” by implementing a policy mandating the continued use of face masks. The group also made demands that the schools cease and desist all critical race theory programs, which the school district has said it does not teach.
Later, it was determined that the documents were not a lawsuit, but rather simple affidavits setting forth complaints. And while students delivered the documents to the board, they were actually prepared by parents.
On Jan. 24, Republican Gov. Glenn Youngkin issued an executive order allowing parents to decide whether their children should wear face masks in school. Last week, however, a Circuit Court judge in Arlington ruled the executive order was not a valid exercise of authority by the governor.
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