Houston's Morning News

Houston's Morning News

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POLL QUESTION: A fourth special session?

The Republican Party of Texas says over 2,500 people so far has have signed its petition urging Gov. Greg Abbott to call a fourth special session for a vaccine mandate ban.

Scott Braddock, editor of QuorumReport.com, says the governor right now is a hard 'no' on calling another special session.

"If you think about the 10 months of legislating that has happened in Austin, it is no doubt one of the most conservative records that Republican incumbents have racked up in many decades," he says.

However, Braddock says even some die hard conservatives oppose such a ban.

"I've heard from some leaders who say that it's hypocritical if you say on the one hand that President Joe Biden can't tell business what they have to do and then support the governor saying what they can't do."

With the primary season coming up, Braddock says another special session may be logistically impossible.

"They have already been working in Austin for 10 months. They have done so many things that Conservatives have said are victories," he says.

"At some point you have to have a record and run for re-election on it. And at this point, Republicans have racked up so many conservative victories they're running out of things to promise they're going to do next time around."

That leads us to today's poll question.

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