Houston's Morning News with Jimmy Barrett

Houston's Morning News with Jimmy Barrett

Houston's Morning News From News Radio KTRH with Jimmy Barrett and Shara Fryer covering your Local News, Weather and Traffic.


POLL QUESTION: Will election integrity finally get passed in Texas?

More than 50 civil arrests warrants were issued for Democrats who fled to D.C. last month, but The Quorum Report's Harvey Kronberg says it was mostly political theater.

“Most of these Democrats that have left are minorities, black, brown, women. Theoretically when you arrest somebody you're supposed to cuff them. Bad optics is part of it. Another part of it frankly is Speaker politics,” he says.

“Some of the more rabid Republicans are demanding they be arrested and dragged back are not doing the Speaker math. A Republican Speaker needs Democratic participation and Democratic investment in the process.”

And Kronberg says Democrats are in no-rush to redraw district lines.

That leads us to the poll question today.

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