Houston's Morning News with Jimmy Barrett

Houston's Morning News with Jimmy Barrett

Houston's Morning News From News Radio KTRH with Jimmy Barrett and Shara Fryer covering your Local News, Weather and Traffic.


POLL QUESTION: America's image overseas

No need to pile on. You saw it, and heard it yourself.

President Biden's big trip to Europe? Not a good look. In just a few short days, America went from world leader, to world follower.

Stealing a page from the Obama playbook, Biden let the rest of the world know that we just want to fit in with their plans, even to our detriment. One world.

The good news? The mainstream media loved Biden's European vacation! They couldn't get enough of it.

"It was almost comical" said Jim Hanson, author of a new book titled 'Winning The Second Civil War Without Firing A Shot', "It's a sad thing, but the cheering section of the media, which is the Democrat propaganda wing, is tickled pink about this and they're having a lot of fun with it."

That leads us to the poll question.

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