Houston's Morning News

Houston's Morning News

Houston's Morning News From News Radio KTRH with Jimmy Barrett and Shara Fryer covering your Local News, Weather and Traffic.


POLL QUESTION: Your kids and the COVID vaccine

The country continues to rollout the Covid vaccines and many parents are not jumping at the chance. Three quarters of U.S. parents say they will either not vaccinate their kids for Covid - or will wait. Dr. Joe Galati says as a physician he believes in the vaccines, but respects these parents' rights. "We are the Land of the Free. There are certainly all types of people with all types of beliefs. If you have a personal reason not to do it, that's fine. That's your opinion." Dr. Galati has this suggestion for them. "Make sure that the decisions you make are truly rooted in good information and not something mythical."

That leads to our poll question this morning.

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