More conservatives are saying they're tired of losing to dirty Democrats.
Autry Pruitt, CEO of the New Journey Political Action Committee for black conservatives, recently penned an American Thinker piece telling Republicans they need to 'Learn to Fight Dirty or Keep Being Losers.'
“If the other side is not playing 'fair' then the rule, the line has shifted,” he says.
Pruitt says it's time for Trump's Republican Party to rid itself of “Never Trumpers” or “Bush Republicans,” such as Mitt Romney and others, he believes are holding the party back.
“John Cornyn wants to go the party. Ted Cruz doesn't care about the party. He wants you to just take him seriously. That's the difference,” he says. “Cornyn doesn't care if you take him seriously as long as he gets to be on the dais.”
That leads to our poll question this morning.