Houston's Morning News

Houston's Morning News

Houston's Morning News From News Radio KTRH with Jimmy Barrett and Shara Fryer covering your Local News, Weather and Traffic.


Fryer Feature: Trust in Tracking?

We’ve been fed the mantra of “data, data, data” as we’ve faced a pandemic of unknown, but highly “mis-modeled” proportions.

We all understand the need for data, but how is it reported, counted, analyzed, projected? Even real data; that is actual death from COVID-19 is also subject to question, because there is some dispute on how those with underlying conditions, like stage 4 cancer, are having their deaths counted. How much real money is tied up in pushing data and the demand for it?

We know the lack of testing data is being wielded politically by many in the determination of who stays under house arrest and for how much longer. We know that local governments can count on using millions in federal dollars, supposedly addressing the critical need for data. But what about these squads of trackers/tracers being utilized? Who are they? What do they do with the information? After all, if you test positive for COVID-19, they’ve not only got your DNA, but now the impetus to at the minimum, lock down your immediate family, your co-workers, and anyone they have had contact with, certainly grabbing all that “contact” information; and where does that information go?

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