I’ve watched from my kitchen window as the toddler and preschool kids have taken a fancy to my side yard. It’s not very expansive there along the sidewalk, so I’ve nurtured a sort of Japanese gardenscape, complete with rocks and bamboo stick sculpture among the miniature maples, yew, crape myrtles and magnolia.
With the neighborhood park playgrounds closed, it’s enticing to those children to crawl aboard a moss-covered boulder, stomp the water puddles, and collect the round black rocks in my stream of black gravel. As I’ve learned from their parents and the now slow return of the nannies, the word out in the toddler set, those round stones are really dinosaur eggs, right here in the neighborhood. Just called the landscaper to bring some more; now I need some baby dinos or maybe dragons? Certainly the lizards would qualify?
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