Houston's Morning News

Houston's Morning News

Houston's Morning News From News Radio KTRH with Jimmy Barrett and Shara Fryer covering your Local News, Weather and Traffic.


Fryer Feature: Wall Street versus Main Street

Calm is contagious, but sadly, so is panic.

That explains a lot of the wild swings on Wall Street in the breathless speculation of COVID-19. Markets move fast, bureaucracy slow. Ask anyone who is a trader, in financials and commodities.

Once again, we’re seeing the panic on Wall Street destroying the calm on Main Street, which after all is what makes markets possible at all. It’s actual businesses; Americans going about their jobs and their lives,working, inventing, producing and enjoying their incomes that keeps it all alive. Until that supply chain of actually industry and production is interrupted; in this case by the necessary war against the coronavirus.

Force the virus to die out by stopping its transmission. That’s the Trump battle plan. The faster the better.As we are all truly seeing now, it’s really the jobs, jobs, jobs of Main Street that give Wall Street a reason for being.

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