Houston's Morning News with Jimmy Barrett

Houston's Morning News with Jimmy Barrett

Houston's Morning News From News Radio KTRH with Jimmy Barrett and Shara Fryer covering your Local News, Weather and Traffic.


Fryer Feature: Voting fraud?

In the midst of the early vote for the March 3rd Texas primaries, we get alarming news of voting “irregularities?”

Is there a fraud being perpetrated on the Texas vote in the efforts of Democrats to turn this state’s votes to them? On Houston’s Morning News we spoke to Christian Adams of the Public Interest Legal Foundation currently in a lawsuit with Harris County, now controlled by Democrats, over access to seeing the voter rolls and who is legally on them. It’s a sobering conversation which you can hear below. Texas Democrats have mailed out one million applications for mail-in ballots. There’s no oversight who who actually fills them out. And there are now reports of problems with confirming registered voters and how often they vote, at a couple of early voting locations in Harris County.

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