Houston's Morning News

Houston's Morning News

Houston's Morning News From News Radio KTRH with Jimmy Barrett and Shara Fryer covering your Local News, Weather and Traffic.


Fryer Feature: Asylum seekers

Remember the border crisis of last year and the year before and the year before, as so called asylum seekers rushed our borders,dragging children with them to obtain entry to Texas and beyond?

The Democrats promoted, supported financially, even advertised in Central America how to game American law in order to obtain illegal residency here. It worked. New details emerged on Houston’s Morning News of the whopping percentage of those denied asylum, who get it anyway by simply not appearing for their deportation hearings. Click HERE to see the report and hear the podcast of our interview with Mark Krikorian of the Center for Immigration Studies.

You can turn this tide that liberal activists, judges and office holders have turned against you. Don’t just get angry; go vote and take other like-minded voters with you.

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