Houston's Morning News with Jimmy Barrett

Houston's Morning News with Jimmy Barrett

Houston's Morning News From News Radio KTRH with Jimmy Barrett and Shara Fryer covering your Local News, Weather and Traffic.


PODCAST: Your Christmas family political debate survival guide

Shara continues her vacation, so John Labus was alongside Jimmy this morning. Here's what we talked about on the Christmas Eve edition of Houston's Morning News.

You're probably getting together with family tomorrow. Politics may come up. It usually does these days. Here's how you survive the discussion without it turning into a full blown brawl.

If you have small kids or grandkids, it's a good bet they will want to track Santa tonight. Santa tracking has grown by leaps and bounds over the years. Here's what's new this year.

And The Women's Hospital of Texas has done it again. These newborns are all dressed up as Nutcracker characters.

The show is off tomorrow, but Jimmy and John will be back Thursday morning at 5am on KTRH.

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