Houston's Morning News

Houston's Morning News

Houston's Morning News From News Radio KTRH with Jimmy Barrett and Shara Fryer covering your Local News, Weather and Traffic.


Fryer Feature: Santa Ana Alamo statue?

Say it isn’t so; the plans for “re-imagining” the Alamo include adding a statue of Santa Ana, the Mexican General, and dictator who ordered the immediate murders of the wounded Alamo defenders?

Santa Ana held no honor toward those heroes. The Texans of General Sam Houston’s army at San Jacinto, however, captured Santa Ana alive and returned him safely to Mexico.

Current day defenders of the Alamo are already embroiled in a lawsuit against plans of Texas Land Commissioner George P Bush on moving the Cenotaph Monument away from the Alamo grounds. They won a partial victory on permits by San Antonio this month, but the case won’t be heard in court until early next year.

News of the Santa Ana statue, they say in a press release, was revealed in a raucous public hearing last week.They are trying to rally reinforcements for the next hearing in San Antonio December 18.

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