Houston's Morning News with Jimmy Barrett

Houston's Morning News with Jimmy Barrett

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VIDEO: Female MMA fighter pins anti-Trump protester (NSFW language)

If you're going to protest a flag waving rally, you better pick and choose who you start with. That's what one liberal professor in Portland found out, the hard way.

Female MMA fighter Tara LaRosa subdued an anti-Trump protester after the activist allegedly started a fight at a flag-waving rally honoring veterans in Portland.

According to police , a woman confronted the group flag-wavers, and tensions quickly escalated between the protester and a woman participating in the ceremony. LaRosa was there live-streaming the event. Her stream shows two women in a scuffle, with one hitting the other.

We have video of LaRosa pinning the protester below (there is NSFW language), and pics of the aftermath, where LaRosa says the woman bit her. You can read more HERE.

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