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Meteorologists are warning that Texas could be in for another big freeze this winter. The question is, will our grid be able to handle it? Thankfully, it's much more resilient than it was during Winter Storm Uri in 2021.
Energy Attorney Michael Jewell told KTRH that ERCOT's winterization efforts have paid off. He said, "There have been so many improvements to how the grid is being maintained and operated. The generators themselves are much better prepared."
Jewell says that, along with better winterization for already existing infrastructure, there have also been new batteries added throughout the grid, which will be a major asset for ERCOT. He explained, "For example, if something were to happen, we've got batteries that will just automatically discharge and provide energy and support for the grid."
Of course, there's no way to guarantee that everyone will have power 100% of the time in a situation like that, but that doesn't mean there will be a mass blackout. Jewell said, "What we would see now, compared to Winter Storm Uri, is the ability to have rotating outages, rather than very long outages for days at a time."